Home Blogging How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts and Template

How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts and Template


Blogger provides you the option of Import and Export. Using this feature in blogger you will be able to import your posts, comments and export your posts and comments easily. In this article, I’m share a guide of how to backup your blogger posts, pages & comments and template using this export feature.

Now doubt, Blogspot is one of the best and top free blogging platform in the world, but it only provide features within limits. One of the biggest limitation of Blogspot is that, Google owns your blog control a itself. Google can getting the authority to delete your blog anytime without telling you. So this is the biggest factor, that professionals not use blogger as their blogging platform.

image of how to backup or restore blogger blog posts and template

“Export Blog” is the best feature blogger provide their user to get backup of their blog and upload it on any other CMS ( Content Management System ) or any other Blogger account easily without any hesitation. You’ll be able to completely backup of your Blogspot blogs on your computer hard drives.

Backup of your blog is very important, because if anyhow or accidentally your blog or any blog posts deleted, or Google block your access to your blog, then you can easily use your backup file and restore your blog easily.

Export feature in Blogspot blog also use for merging many blogs into one. You can export as much blogs as you can and then merge them into single blog, so this feature is very awesome and useful for all the time. Now below is the complete guide of how you can easily backup your blogger posts and template. I’m share pictures and video too, so you can easily understand that how it works.


How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts, Pages & Comments

Step 1 – First of all go to www.blogger.com .

how to backup or restore blogger blog posts and template

Step 2 – Sign In to your blogger dashboard and select your blog.Step 3 – Go to “Setting” option and then go to “Other” option from the left sidebar options.

image of import blogger blog of how to backup or restore blogger blog posts and template
Step 4 – Now you see on the right side upper corner, two options. “Import Content” and “Backup Contents” .Now click on the Backup Content button.
image of how to backup or restore blogger blog posts and template
Step 5 – After that, a window appear, click on “Save to your computer” button and XML file will automatically downloaded into your computer.
how to backup or restore blogger blog posts and template

So in this way you can easily backup your blogger blog posts, comments and pages into your computer hard drive in XML file format. This backup file you can use any time on any other blog in blogger platform. Now I’m show you how to backup your blogger template.

How To Backup Your Blogger Blog Posts, Pages and Comments ( Video Tutorial )



How to Backup/Restore Of Your Blogger Template

Step 1 – Go to “Template” option in the right sidebar menu, within your blog dashboard. Here you can see on the right side top upper corner the option of “Backup / Restore” option. Simply click on it and backup / restore your full blogger template which you can use on any other blog with same setting. This will download full template in XML format inside your PC.
in this image see how to back/restore blogger template
Step 2 – Now a pop up window open, here an option “Download Full Template” appear, click on it and your template will be downloaded into your computer hard drive.
in this image see how to back/restore blogger template
NOTE –  Keep in mind that, the XML file which is created by blogger is not compatible with any other blogging platforms. It is only used within blogger platform but any other account too. But if you want to move your blog from Blogger to WordPress, then simply use the built-in feature in WordPress platform and move your blogger blog into WordPress.