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10 Best Psychology Books To Understand Human Behavior

10 Best Psychology Books To Understand Human Behavior

Flipping the coin with this article, we’ve gathered the seven best psychology books to help you understand human behavior and how it all works. Whether you’re interested in learning about personality types or discovering more about how your brain functions, these books will give you a solid grasp of more than just the textbook content.

1. The Happiness Hypothesis. By Jonathan Haidt

The Happiness Hypothesis is more than just a simple book about becoming happier. It’s also a way of gaining an understanding of how we human beings are wired, how our brains and the world around us can affect us, and how we can affect the world around us. The book lays out the basic aspects of what happiness is, before diving into modern theories related to cooperative behavior, emotions, and self-interest.

2. The Undoing Project, By Michael Lewis

The Undoing Project is a fascinating look into economists like Daniel Kahneman, Amos Tversky, and Richard Thaler, who have spent decades trying to understand human behavior by examining across 60 different fields. The book is a look at the history of their work, as a sort of framing of how they came to be the pioneers they are today.

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3. Outliers: The Story of Success, By Malcolm Gladwell

All of us have had the thought at one time or another that we can be successful if we just have enough time and enough money in our bank accounts. In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell looks at the idea that these might not actually be what makes successful people successful, but rather their upbringing, opportunities, and access to resources.

4. Thinking Fast and Slow, By Daniel Kahneman

Have you ever wondered how many times you think before you do something or why it is that we always go with our first instinct? Perhaps you’ve also been curious about how your own mind works or what influences your decisions and actions. Michael Lewis summarised his findings in The Undoing Project by writing Outliers, but it’s worth checking out Thinking Fast and Slow for more in-depth coverage of the research done on this topic.

5. The Hungry Brain, By Eric Kandel

The Hungry Brain By Eric Kandel

There are two types of neurons in the human brain. Sensory neurons are responsible for carrying information from the outside world. Motor neurons are responsible for controlling our movements. Nobel-prize-winning neurobiologist Eric Kandel’s book explains how sensory and motor neurons coexist and how they can influence each other to make us move or be still in certain ways, as well as how our environment can change these behaviors.

6. The Secret World of the Brain By John Ratey, Richard J. Davidson

The Secret World of the Brain is an intro to neuroscience book that explains how the brain can be described as a complex adaptive system. The book looks at how this theory has been applied in studies like the work done on ADHD and dyslexia, as well as neurological conditions like Parkinson’s. Learning about this theory will help you understand your brain better, and it will also help you get a better grasp on how science works and what’s possible when it comes to human cognitive functioning.

7. The Anatomy of Intelligence By Todd Rose

So far, exploring the brain has shed a lot of light on how it works. But what about its wiring? Todd Rose’s book takes a look at these connections in the brain and how experience can change them. The anatomy of intelligence also looks at how we can build our own cognitive toolkit, giving us more resources to deal with difficult tasks and situations.

8. Psycho-Cybernetics By Maxwell Maltz

Psycho-Cybernetics was written in 1960 by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, who was a pioneer in plastic surgery. The book covers the theories behind developing self-confidence, improving self-image, and using willpower to alter behavior. Dr. Maltz rails against the concept of trying to change your life just by thinking differently about it; instead, he argues that we need to change our actual behaviors and habits first if we want to bring about change.

9. Groups By David B. Yoffie

One of the most important skills a person can have is being able to work with others to accomplish multiple tasks and goals. Groups is a classic text on this idea, written by David Yoffie, who was the International President of IBM during the 1980s. The book looks at how people work together in groups (or teams), what makes them successful and why they can fail, as well as a detailed analysis of leadership styles involving different types of bosses.

10. The Power of Habit By Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit By Charles Duhigg

It’s no secret that habits are often harder to form than good ones, but they can also be hard to break once they’re formed. The Power of Habit looks at how habits can be formed and then broken, using real-life examples of people who have changed their own behaviors and the companies that have used new habits to achieve significant success.


 Psychology is a field of study that can help you understand the human mind and how it works. It’s also a powerful tool for business and marketing, as well as other areas of life. Read up on these 10 books to help you understand human behavior and better communicate with others.