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Capabilities That Make Sense in an Endpoint Management Solution

Capabilities That Make Sense in an Endpoint Management Solution

Endpoint management solution is the need of the hour as the adoption of new devices is on the rise. Due to rising digital transformation, employing endpoint management solutions has become the best IT practice and strategy to secure and control desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones in a connected manner. There is a wide range of endpoint management solutions available with diverse capabilities.

Here are the most critical capabilities that endpoint management solutions should have to be effective.

configuration manager Capabilities That Make Sense in an Endpoint Management Solution

Client Management Capabilities

Accurately managing technology assets is one of the primary functions of endpoint management software. The application should have capabilities like saving time by securing endpoints from vulnerabilities and reducing compliance risk through automating policy compliance. A good endpoint management solution would offer the following features that are a sign of excellent client management capabilities.

  • Provide optimum protection from ransomware and malware through patch compliance. The software should be able to keep Windows, macOS, and Linux applications up-to-date, as well as third-party applications, by the regular installation of security patches to mitigate risks and plug security loopholes.
  • The endpoint management solutions should be capable of tweaking firewall settings and mitigate zero-day attacks using custom scripts. This will protect the IT assets and network from potential vulnerabilities, cyber threats, and misconfigurations.
  • The software should support whitelisting and blacklisting of applications, which determines what software employees can use.
  • The endpoint management solution should have the capability to enable and disable USB ports on connected devices to control data being accessed by the users.
endpint security management Capabilities That Make Sense in an Endpoint Management Solution

Security Configuration Management Capabilities

The security of the endpoints is one of the critical responsibilities of endpoint management software. The endpoint management solution should have the best security management capabilities that ensure employees can work from any place at any time of the day in a secure manner without any disruptions.

  • The endpoint management software should alert users about the expiry of passwords and prompt the user to change the password before it expires.
  • The application should have the capability to regulate open ports and unwanted traffic to fend off “cybercriminals.”
  • The endpoint management software should have the capability to use custom scripts and tweak registry settings to thwart any fresh, exploited cyber-attacks and zero-day attacks.

Browser Security Capabilities

The browser is the door to the world of the web and also an entry point for threats. Hence browser security is of paramount importance. The endpoint management solutions have different browser security features. Listed here are the most important ones that your endpoint management solution should have.

  • The software should possess excellent browser add-on management capabilities which include detecting and removing potentially harmful extensions and plug-ins from your company’s network
  • The application should have the ability to protect your intranet from drive-by attacks by restricting access to malicious websites and limiting downloads.
  • The software should be capable of devising security configuration for browsers to prevent them from becoming doorways of cyber attacks
  • The endpoint management solutions should have the capability to detect and remediate devices that are non-compliant to industry security standards like STIG and CIS.

Managing the security of computers in the office is different than maintaining the security of endpoints like laptops, smartphones, and tablets. The endpoint management software select should have capabilities that will ensure freedom to the users while protecting the IT assets of your company.