Home Technology Techies:Three Important Tech Fields to Specialize in For 2021

Techies:Three Important Tech Fields to Specialize in For 2021


For techies and IT experts, one of the nourishing things about the digital environment is that it’s constantly changing, evolving, and innovating. You can take your eye off the ball for a week or so and come back to the landscape of the digital world to find it much changed. That’s exhilarating and exciting – and your passion about these changes is what’s made you an IT specialist with skills to sell to companies in your area. And, as 2021 approaches, here are the areas of IT you should keep an eye on for your future employability.


If you can approach a firm with a solid grasp of how cybersecurity works for business, they are extremely likely to hire you. Often, it’s ex-hackers who end up approaching first with their skills – showing combines just how vulnerable their back-ends truly are. But it’s also generic IT experts – who take courses in cybersecurity – who are able to fill these roles.

Get your training in from online courses to become an expert in protecting a business from data hacks, breaches, and malware intrusions. And remember that a job in cybersecurity is about being ahead of the game and the threat development – so you’re always going to have to keep an eye on developing threats when you’re a cybersecurity consultant.

The Cloud

Next up is the cloud. It’s become synonymous with smart business in the past ten years, despite being a relatively novel technology that is only now being used to its potential across the business landscape. This is a fantastic resource for businesses to grow and become more efficient – and it’s more important than ever in light of the coronavirus and the lockdowns that have precipitated remote work across the world.

Use the training courses from A Cloud Guru to really get up to speed with how the cloud works – using these skills to make yourself most employable to businesses looking for a tech expert in their ranks. Cloud computing is all about efficiency savings and making things smoother and more seamless for businesses across the world – and these skills are incredibly desirable in many large firms looking to make cuts to their overheads in 2021.


The war cry of automation is likely to reach its peak in 2021, as the world comes around to the idea that machine learning and AI aren’t actually the great evils that sci-fi films had predicted. In fact, they’re relatively mundane – able to process huge amounts of data in a split second but unable to do much else.

Nonetheless, using AI can save businesses a huge amount of time and money. The effective use of AI across the economy has been predicted to save the world trillions of dollars by 2030, which means this is a business incentive like no other in the world of tech. Being trained and head of the game where AI and automation is concerned will be a huge boost to your employability in 2021.

These three areas of expertise are regarded as the most important for tech employees to specialize in as 2021 approaches.