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How AI might replace toxic managers

How AI might replace toxic managers

The era of artificial intelligence (AI) has just begun and it has started impacting our work lives. It is lately revealed that AI is more likely to replace managers and not frontline workers. It is feared that robots may steal our jobs and the real transformation might be happening in the corridors of middle and upper management.

In a recent podcast by a16z’s Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, the discussion was mainly on AI’s potential to revolutionize managerial roles and not automating routine tasks performed by workers. Andreessen suggested that automating a manager’s job might be easier than replacing workers.

AI technologies like Cresta AI are being tailored to enhance the training and communication of call center workers in real-time. The AI managers don’t suffer from fatigue or mood swings like human counterparts and can offer continuous support and feedback.

Does this mean AI will entirely take over management? Not necessarily. It is more about augmenting managerial functions like training, mentoring and providing timely guidance. AI’s strengths lie in tasks that require consistency and responsiveness. This is something crucial in management roles.

Of course, there are limitations. Deploying AI in customer-facing roles, especially in handling potentially tense interactions, remains risky. Horowitz highlighted instances where AI-powered systems faltered, citing Air Canada’s mishap with an AI chatbot misinforming a customer, resulting in legal repercussions.

Furthermore, while AI promises efficiency, replacing human workers entirely may not always be cost-effective. Take Amazon’s experience with their “Just Walk Out” technology, initially hailed as an AI breakthrough. However, reports revealed that it heavily relied on human support from India.

So, will AI replace workers? Unlikely. But could it transform management? That’s a distinct possibility. As companies embrace AI’s capabilities in training and support services, middle management might evolve into a blend of human expertise and AI assistance.

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The future of AI in the workplace isn’t about displacement; it’s about collaboration. It’s about leveraging technology to enhance how we work and manage, creating healthier and more efficient workplaces. The real challenge lies not in fearing AI’s potential but in harnessing it wisely to augment our human capabilities.


What is the focus of AI’s impact on workplaces?

It is suggested that AI is more likely to transform managerial roles rather than replace frontline workers.

Why might automating a manager’s job be easier than automating a worker’s job?

It is suggested that automating a manager’s job might be easier as it involves tasks like training, mentoring and providing real-time guidance. AI can handle all these effectively.

What advantage does AI offer over human managers in terms of consistency and responsiveness?

AI managers can operate without fatigue, mood swings or human limitations. It can offer continuous support, feedback and consistency in interactions.

What risks are associated with deploying AI in customer-facing roles?

The potential risks of AI mishandling tense interactions with customers lead to misunderstandings or misinformation.

What is the likely future of AI in the workplace?

The future of AI in the workplace is envisioned as collaborative, where AI enhances human capabilities in management roles through improved training, mentoring and support services.

What specific tasks are AI technologies like Cresta AI designed to enhance in the workplace?

AI technologies such as Cresta AI are tailored to improve tasks like training, communication and real-time support for call center workers.

What are some advantages of AI managers over human managers?

AI managers can provide consistent guidance, support and feedback without being affected by fatigue, mood swings or personal issues that human managers may experience.

What was the outcome of the legal dispute involving Air Canada’s AI chatbot incident?

The court ruled in favor of the customer, suggesting accountability for the misinformation caused by the AI chatbot and emphasizing the challenges of deploying AI in customer service.

How did Amazon’s experience with the “Just Walk Out” technology illustrate challenges with complete automation using AI?

Despite Amazon’s initial promotion of AI technology, it was revealed that significant human support was still required, indicating potential limitations and cost factors associated with full automation.

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In what way it is suggested that the future of AI in the workplace will unfold?

It is envisioned that a future where AI collaborates with humans to enhance management functions, offering improved training, mentorship and support services rather than replacing workers entirely.