Home Internet Emailing Etiquette to Follow in Workplace

Emailing Etiquette to Follow in Workplace

Emailing Etiquette

E-mail can be, and also it is, a great tool in the marketplace. It can speed correspondence within the company and to its customers. Time is saved and workers can be more efficient. However, employees need to remember several key points when using e-mail as a communication tool as it is different from other mode of communications and has its own rules as well as etiquette. Below are some suggestions to follow while emailing at workplace.

Don’t Use Shorthand

Texting and other shorthand methods are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society. There is still no place in business for these shortened expressions. Think of e-mail correspondence as another document to put into the permanent record.

E-mail can be tracked and kept for documentation purposes. Employees should remember to put their best foot forward. Use proper grammar and complete sentences. Above all, employees need to keep in mind that anything that is typed in an e-mail can be printed out for others to see.

Don’t Use E-mail As An Out

Sometimes e-mail can seem like an easy way to deal with problems. In some instances, employees won’t have to talk with someone or meet with them face-to-face about a problem. It can be very tempting to type frustrations in an e-mail instead of picking up the telephone. However, e-mail can be misinterpreted and misjudged. What may start out as a small misunderstanding can result in an even larger issue. Don’t take the easy way out; save e-mail for general correspondence and never utilize it to deal with a problem. Talk over the phone or face-to-face to solve the problems.

Do Use E-mail For Documentation of Policies

When sending out company-wide correspondence, employees should be encouraged to use e-mail. Utilize it to get the message to personnel throughout the company. Employees receive the information and the senders saves time with the speed of e-mail. E-mailed policies serve to reinforce what employees have been told and can also serve as official documentation.

While at Work, Use E-mail for Work Only

While at work, employees should be wary of e-mails that are sent and received. Do not use work e-mail as a personal e-mail inbox. Personal e-mails should go to a personal e-mail address, while work e-mail should contain professional correspondence only. Every company has the right to inspect and peruse any e-mails that are sent or received on a company computer.

Today’s working environment includes e-mail as a valuable technological tool. Employees need to remember that e-mail at work should be used for work only. Remember that e-mail is best used as reinforcement of information or to document policies; it should not be used to avoid face-to-face situations. When employees use e-mail as a fast, efficient way to send correspondence, they enhance their company’s bottom line.

Follow the above suggestions to avoid problems at workplace and maintain professional etiquette.